Monday, October 8, 2012


 Well, I post it as my collection of readings,  sometimes it's not good idea to rely your being you to astrological signs or whatsoever call it. 

But I am just amused! I was born on August 24, 1980 ---- A Monkey and A Virgo

The Female Monkey In Bed
The female Monkey approaches sex in a very enthusiastic and vivacious manner. In the beginning of any relationship, you will utterly infatuated with your new-found partner, but as the novelty wears away your excitement will fade. Everything must be kept exciting to keep you interested, or else your constant complaints will end the relationship in a hurry.

You are an excitable and unpredictable person, and can cause a great deal of disruption with your frequent mood swings, but that's the way you are and if they can't take a joke they know where they can stuff it. When sufficiently entertained, you are one of the most charming and loveable people around, and it is the responsibility of others, as you see it, to keep you that way at all times.

The Female Monkey's Love Behavior
Isn't it strange for a female like the Monkey woman, who is so provokingly cerebral and so suspicious of everything involving emotions, to be so romantic-minded when it comes to love? Her behavior would become perfectly comprehensible should one realize that incongruity and contradiction are the hallmark of her entire life.

The native of the Monkey sign, like any 'bourgeois' adolescent, dreams of marvelous love affairs, regardless of her age or the condition she may find herself in. Always in quest of her prince charming, she avidly reads matrimonial advertisements in newspapers and stays vigilantly on the lookout for good opportunities.
The kind of prince charming she is after should be a man whom she can admire unreservedly — a great artist, great thinker, great scientist, great statesman, great military man, or the like. Of course, she is much more often disappointed than satisfied in her quest.

The Female Monkey's Personality
The female Monkey is flirtatious and enjoys provoking jealousy in her many consorts. Despite your need for adulation, you are truly a creature of privacy and require your own space for times of personal retreat. You abhor the idea of marriage, as you would consider such a limitation upon your lifestyle quintessentially boring, and life for you is too short for anything to be boring.

You enjoy the company of children as long as they are not your own. You are very practical, and skilled in fixing mechanical devices. You refuse to automatically follow the dictates of conventional morality, and prefer to shape the course of your own existence according to the dictates of your own idiosyncratic conscience. This can land you in hot water from time to time.

The Female Monkey's Physical Background
The Monkey female is well noted for her benevolent look. One can detect no shade of malice or wickedness in those naive eyes, which are sometimes dreamy, sometimes surprised. Many natives of the sign, however, have such a strange expression in their eyes that ill-disposed people may take them for sorceresses.
A glowing complexion is often another distinctive trait of the Monkey woman. She gets a tan easily and quickly, even with a tanning lamp, so that she can appear at any period of the year as just back from sunny vacation.

Her face represents a graceful oval, highlighted by the fineness of her features. Her cheekbones are high and protruding. One can generally recognize her by her large, smooth forehead, her small but well-shaped mouth, and her relatively short nose. She often wears her hair short because it is seldom abundant.

The Female Monkey's Productive Capacities
The Monkey woman's claims to equality with men are corroborated not only by her intellectual abilities but also by her capacities in the realm of work. She can do all the jobs suitable for the male of this sign well as he does, sometimes even better owing to her stronger motivation. In fact, there are few fields in which she would not be successful. But the first and foremost condition of her success remains always the same -- her interest -- material gains and social status having practically no special appeal to her.

The native usually gives the best of herself in such activities as enable her to defend a cause she feels just, preferably a revolutionary one. An ardent feminist who always seeks the front line, she militates efficaciously for the recognition of women's dignity and rights. This is also a dedicated trade unionist much appreciated by her comrades. One can find her in any organization concerned with the defense of the oppressed and the underprivileged. Her courage forces the admiration her friends and adversaries alike.

Seduction Of Female Monkey
For the Monkey woman, good loving starts long before sex. She loves mind games and flirtation, and her ideal lover is someone with a brain to match their libido. In bed these women love nothing better than to flirt and tease, before inventing wildly exciting techniques to gain complete control of their partner. The only things they hate are routine, boring sex and someone who can't keep up with their challenging mind.
How to end up with a Monkey woman? Make her laugh (deliberately) and you're more than halfway there. To go all the rest of the way, ensure you always react enthusiastically to their sexy suggestions. Monkey woman won't expect you to invent new ideas every night, but they won't want too many negative responses either. Then hold on to your hat -- it's going to be a wild ride!

Her Psychological Makeup
The Monkey woman is even a worse bundle of contradictions and inconsistencies than the male half of the sign. She has numerous faces, each of them possessing its own counterpart, which can be more, less, or equally perceptible. Some people believe she is elusive and devious; in fact, ambiguity and paradoxicality are the more proper words to apply to her case. One may find her at the same time intelligent and gullible, childlike and blasé, malleable and headstrong, generous and mean, magnanimous and petty, subject to sudden impulses and showing extraordinary strength of purpose, devoted to her friends and harsh with her dearest ones, defending ideas of equity and committing injustices, expressing her opinions with courage and absorbing those of others, gentle and having hysterical fits of anger, tender and aggressive, romantic and earthy, methodical and careless, serious-minded and happy-go-lucky, orderly and inclined to anarchy. In sum, there exists in her a perpetual conflict between the mind and the heart:

This is an essentially cerebral creature who lets herself be guided exclusively by her sentiments; consequently her ideas are most of the time in flagrant contradiction with her deeds. Her greatest problem in life, it seems, should consist of striking a good balance between her intellectual requirements and her affectivity — of becoming neither too emotional nor too cerebral. There is no doubt she has the potential of achieving success in this direction, thereby coming to be a most remarkable and charming individual.

Virgo Woman

One thing you need to know about a Virgo
woman - she has guts and lots of them! It doesn't mean that she is not as shy and as reserved as she seems to be. It's just that she can do anything and everything for the people she loves. By love, she means real love; no other type of love exists for her. A Virgo female is a complete woman! She has all the charms and tricks that any other female has, but she is not weak. In fact, she has quite a determination and can do anything if she sets her mind to it.

She will be completely devoted and loyal to you in a relationship. Still, if it doesn't seems to be working, she will severe all the ties and become as cold as the North Pole. Virgo women's characteristics profile is an odd mix of emotions and practicality, romance and common sense. When they fall in love, they show such extreme passion and intensity that only few other women can. Making them fall in love is, however, an entirely different task. They will demand total perfection from you, even though they may fall short in that arena.

It's better to get used to their critical nature. A Virgo girl believes that she is extremely efficient and organized and what is more annoying is that she is right. She is a stickler for time and its better not to be late when you are meeting her. She will not break the new, expensive vase when she is upset, but she can be very demanding and fussy. If the fault is yours, admit that you are wrong and say it while handing her the flowers. Don't even try to argue, or she will lose her temper again.

It is better to leave her alone for some time and she will cool again. On the other hand, a Virgo woman will find it very hard to accept that she is wrong. The fact is, most of the time she's not. When you are courting her as well as after you get married, it is advisable to mind your manners. She cannot tolerate someone using abusive language, coming late, dressing sloppily, not minding table manners, etc. It's better to brush up your vocabulary too. She will not cling to you, nor will she become totally aloof.

She is also very good with finances and extravagance is not one of her personality traits. A Virgo female cannot stand public displays of affection and it is better to be subtle in this area. Her taste is very good and her intellect quite developed. If you are trying to woo her, take her to places like theatre, art gallery, etc. Just like a typical Virgo, she is prone to worrying about things too much and she will do your part of the job too. She is very much attached to the ground and prefers to live in the real world.

You let a Virgo female does her part of making things seem just perfect and she will keep you entertained with all her feminine charms. She is very sensitive and her feelings are pretty fragile, but she will become exceedingly strong when you need her support. With kids, she will be very considerate and you will never see them running around in their underclothes. She will be gentle, but firm and will demand complete discipline from them. Even though a Virgo woman is very critical, she will not take criticism very nicely. It never works the other way round for her.

The reason for this is that she is as aware of her own imperfections as she is of yours. So, she doesn't need you to remind her of her own shortcomings every now and then. Instead of fretting over her perfectionism, you should feel blessed to have such a charming female who never makes your house look like a garbage dump. Your toast will never get burnt and your coffee will always taste just perfect. She has a witty side too and when she laughs, it seems like the ringing of little bells, doesn't it!

Virgo and Leo love compatibility
Here is a good chance for a happy partnership. Magnanimous Leo will overlook Virgo's tendency to be critical, while Virgo will take pride in Leo's accomplishments, good humour, and lovable nature. Virgo will bring in that couple's sexual life large amount of emotional heat and understanding. Leo will respect Virgo's clever and alert mentality. Virgo will try to excite and satisfy the partner. Leo is also persevering person, so the chances for mutual satisfaction are really big. This is one of those relationships that depends on the type of relationship it is. The connection is usually "nice" and a long union also is possible.

Virgo and Aries love compatibility
The bravery of the Aries will probably intrigue the imagination of shy, reserved Virgo for a time. However, their sexualities are so different, that they will have to be very patient in order to succeed. Aires's passions are impulsive and direct. Virgo's sexuality is more enigmatic and takes time to be revealed. In other areas Aries is full of exciting new plans and ideas, and insists on being boss. Virgo is critical and fussy, and likes things to be done the way Virgo wants. In case the charts are well expected for these two it could work, but it will take a lot of effort on both sides. Otherwise the relationships will not be very pleasant and chances for a successful marriage are fifty / fifty.

Virgo and Cancer love compatibility
Cancer's responses are emotive while Virgo's are analytical, but their personalities mesh so well that it doesn't seem to matter. The Virgo is practical person and gives a basis for this union. The Cancer is more emotional creature but they are capable to feel pleasure from their relationships. They perfectly fit each other in the bedroom. One of the dangers in this relationship will be too much caring! Each one of these signs love to look after, and fuss around the person they love, which will go far in making life intolerable for both of them. Together these signs do a lot of talking about things that need doing; each one needs to be paired with a positive personality for anything but talk to get accomplished. This can turn out to be quite interesting connection in case the Virgo is little less demonstrative and affectionate with cancer.

Virgo and Libra love compatibility
Virgo lives according to her/his rules while Libra is absolutely different creature. There are also other discrepancies of characters. Virgo is more interested in money, than in sex. Libra finds it inexcusable. Stay-at-home Virgo resents Libra's social butterfly instincts and pursuit of pleasure. Libra's tastes are expensive. Virgo is careful, not to say miserly. Libra finds Virgo fussy, critical, completely inflexible. Virgo can also be a grumbling and tiresome person with dictatorial propensity. Libra will not stand it too long and start searching for support somewhere else. Virgo, is more straight forward about his/her approach to sex and Libra methods of the "dance" can drive him or her up the wall. This is a doubtful connection and extremely complicated marriage.

Virgo and Taurus love compatibility
There will be love at first sight- Both are homebodies and they share the same intellectual pursuits. Virgo, while making love prefers simple ways/positions. The Taurus is not against simplicity, but his/her style in sex can be disturbing for Virgo. But in the other aspects of life they don't have many problems. Taurus's tenacity and Virgo's sharp mind are a good combination for success as a team. And Taurus keeps a careful eye on expenditures, which pleases thrifty Virgo. A good connection is possible, but it demands to be more patient from the representatives of the both signs.

Virgo and Scorpio love compatibility
Their interests are the same in many areas, but they are too different when it refers to the sexual sphere. It is difficult for them to establish good relationships. Virgo can become captious. Restrained Virgo has trouble keeping up with highly demonstrative Scorpio and doesn't understand what all the fuss and bother is about. Scorpio can fly into jealous rages for no reason, even if Virgo has proved to be a faithful mate, and the general Scorpio views are hard for Virgo to take or agree with for Virgo always sees the other side of the situation and the other persons point of view. In other words Scorpio can be roughly frank. The spiritual affinity is possible for some time, and then Scorpio will probably begin to search for new sexual partners. Friendship may be the best idea here.

Virgo and Aquarius love compatibility
Both are mental signs rather than emotional, but Virgo looks on the darker side of life while Aquarius is imaginative and optimistic. There is no strong sexual attraction between them. Aquarius needs activity, social events, a wide circle of acquaintances. Virgo enjoys a quiet existence with a few close friends. There will be neither especially strong excitation, nor interesting erotic games. The sober, practical Virgo is inclined to criticize the Aquarius' generosity. Their goals are very different: Aquarius wants to be as brilliant as possible; Virgo wants to be as efficient as possible. The marriage is possible in case they both have strong feelings towards each other.

Virgo and Capricorn love compatibility
Virgo's neat orderly mind meshes well with Capricorn's self-discipline and capacity for hard work. Both take pride in their home, enjoy having a few close friends rather than many acquaintances, and admire each other's intellectual abilities. The Capricorn’s practicality suits the Virgo's accuracy perfectly. There are possible misunderstandings in the field of sex, but they know and feel each other so well, that these misunderstandings don't disturb them. They are both - clever, conservative and patient. This relationship could suffer from lack of romance, as both tend to be a bit reserved in this area. Generally there is a good basis for a long union.

Virgo and Gemini love compatibility
Both are Mercury ruled and have a mental approach to life. But similarity ends there; these two are star-crossed from the beginning. Gemini treats Virgo as a boring creature. There are precise representations about sexual behaviour in the Virgo's head. The Gemini will show indecision. After attenuation of passion's fire Virgo will start to grumble and criticize Gemini. Gemini will start searching for entertainment with someone else in his/her turn. Passions run on a low thermostat; their sex life soon turns chilly. This is going to be as short as flash relationship, which has not a chance to last long time.

Virgo and Virgo love compatibility
Both of them are constrained in the sexual relations and consider love as a basis for something more important - partnership in life. They are responsible, sensitive, intelligent, and take love seriously. They also share passions of the mind, and will never bore each other. The requirements in a bedroom are not too great and do not cause many complaints and criticism. Both the intense affair and the marriage are possible in case these perfectionists curb their instincts for finding fault. There will probably also be a continual contest over who is leader, but they have too much else in common for that to matter.

Virgo and Sagittarius love compatibility
The Sagittarius' attitude to love drives Virgo out of his/her mind. The Virgos' feeling of safety is vanishing. Sagittarius doesn't try to understand the Virgo's needs. Elsewhere, Virgo looks for order and simplicity whereas Sagittarius looks for excitement and new experiences. Virgo wants a long term commitment; Sagittarius has to be free to roam. Since Virgo is not one to place too great an emphasis on the sexual side of life and does not have the same appetites that Sagittarius has, Sagittarius may well feel that he or she is justified in finding a new lover from time to time which will cause many fights. They will be able to stay together for a week, but not for the rest of the life.

Virgo and Pisces love compatibility
The love is closely connected with the stability, physical needs, intellectual compatibility. The love for the Pisces is a beauty and emotional experiences. The Virgo's cautious, prudent attitude them to sex doesn't satisfy unlimited desires of the Pisces. The marriage will probably be unsuccessful.

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