Wednesday, September 26, 2012

My Granted Wishes so far....

My Granted Wishes No. 1
“To go to school and finish until College.”

                But the road was not easy that time; I took the course which is none of my option. But my father constantly insisted coz he believed it suited me so I give it a try to at least make him proud. I Entered University year 1997, my first day there was like I’m in 4th year high school... nothing makes different until my year level up and encountered difficulties in some major unit.  I’ve got 10 real friends in the University. They are individually amazing as well as good influencers actually. They are academically active, adventurous, open-minded and God-fearing person so I started to like my course and the University because of them.
               Truly that College life is one of the most memorable chapters in our life, because this is the moment that you grow and develop physically, mentally, spiritually, socially and emotionally. My friends and I had a weirdest motto ever and let me share it with you... they say that “Friends is the reason that can destroy your study” but for us “It is the Study that can mess up our friendship” lols. When talked about it, we just only laughed. Indeed that because of the study some of us are fights but thanks it ended smoothly and everything goes back to normal... that what’s friends are for.

                I know God tested me many times. I was then timid, not vocative or expressive person and when I get hurt, insult or bullied, I only just cried, write, or run away and let it pass. I also experienced how to smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol due to depression, failure and disappointment. It was because of a friend, but because I love my friend and she asked for forgiveness, I embraced her unconditionally and forget the pain. So we decided to retake the unit and started to help one another. Plus I quit smoking and drinking alcohol.  And I discovered my hidden capabilities. Thanks to them. 

                Oh, I didn’t have the chance to have a love life or sex life during college days, I was boyish that time and finding male Idol who is good looking and brilliant in mathematics was my interest. Lols.
Finally, we graduated year 2002. So I achieved my very first wish hahaha.

My Granted Wishes No. 2
“To have a great Job”

Automatically, the first thing that you should do after school is to find a job that matches your interest. I have diploma and the guts to face the outside world called “Reality”.  My first experienced as job hunter was so traumatic.  Though I have background on how to act and response during the job interview, that very first day I failed.  Why? Simply was because I am amazed by his look. He’s so adorable, He’s so cute, plus he has a perfect body built. And when he smiled and looked at me, I feel that my mini-skirt is slowly moving down. And when I started to speak I choked, and when he shook my hands I trembled. And my heart beat so fast. How can I help to managed that? That’s the very first time I felt the electric charge moving upward to my neck! I tried to calm myself and finally the word comes to my mouth... “Good day Sir... I just want to back out... I need to go home now... Thank you!” after that, I caught him in a quizzical look then smiled. He said, “Alright, hahaha I understand... next time you have to be brave okay. Better luck next time. Take care!” Hehehehe, but it was just okay. It just an experience after all and I treasured it a lot. I tried to recall his name but can’t remember even the first letter. 

I may say that I achieved again my 2nd Wish, and that is to have a great job here in our town and be part of the Government Institution. Luckily, I’m in 7 years of public service.

My Granted Wishes No. 3
“To marry a man who knows household chores.”

                My former boss asked me about my age, why I’m still single and what qualities of a guy that I’m looking for? So I replied unconsciously, He must be kind, does not smoke cigarette or drink alcohol and most of all; I like a guy who knows household chores.  He laughed and some of my officemate laughed too. They said, “Egie! You’re looking for a housemaid, not husband.”  So I explained my side, “what if I’m too busy, got pregnant or sick? Who will do my task? Who will look after me? So he must also know household chores. I’m not looking for a rich guy who knows nothing when it comes to home.”

                Then months later, I got married! I married a man who is kind, don’t smoke or drink alcohol and most importantly knows household chores. I never realized that it was the stupid wish I’ve ever had. I forgot to wish that this guy must be versatile also... lols, But it just alright, I have no choice but to accept my fate. At least that wishes was granted for a reason. And I know its God’s will.

My Granted Wishes No. 4
“To have my own house and lot”

                 I wish to have my own house and lot. That was only begun when I got pregnant. I started to think about my baby’s future not mine. I wanted to provide and left something for him in the future. Good things that I wasn’t able to spend money to buy house and lot coz I inherited one from my father. The only thing that he wished for is to maintain it and taking care of it, and to look after his youngest brother who is epileptic. That’s fine with me. But still, there’s something inside of me that I really want to do, one that I can consider mine of which aspiration, money and time involved. So I get one which is payable for 2 years hehehe.... now I know the feelings and I achieved again my wish.

                That’s all for now, my desire in life is so simple and plain ever.  I’m more into eternal happiness and contentment as much as possible. But struggling between material world and your desire is not so easy to achieve. There’s a lot of hindrance that can stop you to dream and to wish like that. Thanks that I have deep faith with God and I trust his will.

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