Saturday, March 8, 2014

Field Day 2014

Finally, my son Janko conquered his fear on stage. I remember how my son was trembling in fear as he was about to recite his speech a year ago...  All I can do that time was to hug  and comfort him whole day til the program end. 

Janko's dance performance with a tune of "Paru-parong Bukid" during Field Day...

Hihihi..... :P

He looks disappointed here lol... well, he said "Mama, I don't wanna do this anymore.. I wanna play!!!" "One more pic baby for souvenir.. smile c'mon" then here you go... cute... :)

 His Classmates.... the trio :)

 Quizzical look...hmmmm :) :) :)

I'm happy for you my son, hope you'll see my blog one day... I love you very much!!